Why Fauna?

As you wander around the island, you will notice all the strange animals and creatures that roam about.
Some are pretty. Some are ugly. There are ones that are usually normal but have been altered. Some are grotesquely deformed people. Some are half human and animal. There are house cats as big as horses that have poisonous fangs like snakes. There are small lizards that can fly with feathered wings. 
There are many strange creatures on the island.

Some are gentle. Some are shy. Some are viscous. Some will go after you with a vengeance.
If you stumble across a creature, be sure to record it!
Record it below in the comments!

Note: if it asks for email and you don't want to include that, simply put [email protected]. That's what I always do ;)


  • No mythical/magical creatures. If you want to name it a phoenix that's ok, but it cannot burst into flames or resurrect from its own ashes.
  • If you include a picture, please pick a decent one. I don't want stick figures or messy, newbie digital art (no offense newbies).
  • No magical properties. If a creature can shoot poisonous spines from its mouth that's fine, or if a lizard can weave spiderwebs that's ok, but like with phoenix example above, no bursting into flames or levitation.
  • Yes, you may use pokemon (but without magical properties, it must keep its pokemon name).
  • Think Science Fiction and not Fantasy.

What To Include

Name: the name of the creature
Description: what it looks like
Danger Level: Scale of 1 to 100
Diet: what it eats
Behavior: how it acts
Breeding: how many babies? how long to make said babies?
Habitat: where it primarily roams
Taming: How likely is it for someone to turn this thing into a pet?
Picture: optional