Why Flora?

As you wander around the island, you will notice all the strange plants.
Some are pretty. Some are ugly. There are trees, bushes, roots, flowers, grasses, and more.
Some have healing properties. Some are poisonous. Some smell nice. Some smell bad. Some have a purpose. Some really don't.
If you stumble across a plant, be sure to record it!
Record it below in the comments!

Note: if it asks for email and you don't want to include that, simply put [email protected]. That's what I always do ;)


  • The plants may not have magical properties. If it has healing properties, they may not be extravagant. 
  • If you wish to include a picture, be sure to post a direct link
  • If you drew the picture yourself, you can credit your name

What To Include

Name: (anything from Purple Moonflower to White Jasmine)
Type: (flower, tree, root, bush, etc)
Description: keep it short please
Properties: does it smell nice? can it be eaten to reduce coughing? if none or unknown, please say so
Agriculture: (optional) when does it grow best? what weather should it be harvested in for best healing abilities? should it be dried and stored or used fresh? will it smell bad if exposed to rain? be creative!
Picture: optional, may be drawn, photo, etc
1/23/2013 10:55:01 am

Name: Dragonwing leaf
Type: Leaf
Big green and shaped like an oval.
Residue in stem is stick. smells like milkweed
Grows all year round, harvest best when full grown
Good for shelter

2/2/2013 04:15:17 am

Name: Bayberry
Type: Drupe Berry
The species vary from 1 m shrubs up to 20 m trees; some are deciduous, but the majority of species are evergreen. The roots have nitrogen-fixing bacteria which enable the plants to grow on soils that are very poor in nitrogen content. The leaves are spirally arranged, simple, 2–12 cm long, oblanceolate with a tapered base and broader tip, and a crinkled or finely toothed margin. The flowers are catkins, with male and female catkins usually on separate plants (dioecious). The fruit is a small drupe, usually with a wax coating. The wax coating on the fruit of several species, known as Bayberry wax, has been used traditionally to make candles. The foliage of Myrica gale is a traditional insect repellent, used by campers to keep biting insects out of tents. Several species are also grown as ornamental plants in gardens. Can be canned, dried, or used for juice.
Pic: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Myrica_faya_fruit.jpg

4/12/2013 04:07:34 pm

Name: Candlenut Tree
Type: Tree
Description: A tree with silvery pale green foliage. They can reach up to 80 feet in height and leaves are usually from 4-8 inches long. The small green fruit grow in clusters and contain a nut the center with oily insides. Eaten raw, the nuts contain a mild laxative. Most people start to feel the affects at around five nuts, but some are more tolerant or sensitive. The nuts have such high oil content that they burn. Each takes about 15 minutes to burn. The clear sap that fills the small depression left at the top of a fruit when it is pulled off the branch can be applied to cuts to prevent infection and speed healing. It is also good for chapped lips, mild sunburn, and cold sores. The soot of burned nuts can make a black dye. It grows on the mountains and does well in moist areas.

4/12/2013 04:21:42 pm

Name: Coconut Palm
Type: Palm Tree
Description: Coconut trees grow tall with a clump of long fronds at the top. The large hairy brown nut is surrounded by a fibrous husk. Inside the matured nut is a layer of white 'flesh' attached to the inside of the shell and a sweet juice commonly called coconut 'water'. There is more water in immature nuts than mature, though the immature ones dont have the flesh. The flesh is edible and the water is drinkable. The husk and leaves are used for various things. The coconut palm grows in sandy soil with a warm climate. There are groves on most beaches.

4/28/2013 06:08:28 am

Name: Yarrow
Type: Asteraceae
Description: Upright plant, standing at about two to three feet in height. It had feathery, green leaves, and flowers ranging from white to yellow to pink. It can be used as medicine to stop the flow of blood, but can also be used for a variety of other medical uses. Yarrow prefers well drained soil and full sun, and blooms usually in May-June. Some varieties will keep flowering until autumn.

4/28/2013 06:09:17 am

Oops, um, yarrow's 'Type' is flower. Sorry! :(


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