Please post in the comments who you are and who you roleplay as. Any characters not included in your post will be killed in roleplay.

Also, this is a warning to those who need to fix their character bios! Your bios are FAR too short and you are in danger of being deleted. If you need help, ask Pariah. Pariah will rewrite your character bio for you if you are having trouble extending it yourself.

You all have until March 15th to post who you roleplay, which characters you want to keep alive, as well as updated character bios! Those who do not comply or make the deadline will have their characters permanently killed off. If there is a reason you cannot get your bios written up by March 15th you will be given several extra days of grace but you MUST notify Pariah.

That is all.
3/6/2013 03:50:32 am

I own Iris, Demon, and Cross.

3/7/2013 01:54:46 am

I have Red, Melody, Alana, Lavender, and Ruth.

4/27/2013 04:56:39 pm

And Alex Half.


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