Back From My Strange Disappearance...

Yes! I was AWOL for a while, and it's all thanks to Alphard and Adelicia that I'm back.
I can see Ember and Elza and everyone else making this face D`: But yes, it's all thanks to those two that I'm back.
Kidnapping Logan made me realize that SHIZ CAN HAPPEN ON THE ISLAND!
Truth is, I was getting bored. I was actually getting ready to hide the pages and type up a sorry message on the home page. Thank God I looked at the forums first or I wouldn't be writing this blog post!
So now I am back and totally pumped to revive the site. We had a slow start, but I'm hoping we see more action packed crap going on in the near future!

And now for some Updates!

Roanoke Survivor's Manual Add-ons

Alright, some new subpages are being added to the Survival Manual! 


There are strange plants and monsters on the island. If you find something, be sure to make note of it. Some of the creatures can get really weird. 
You will have the chance to make up names, description, strengths, and weaknesses of all the creatures and plants you see as well as any diseases contracted.
Magical creatures are not allowed. Mostly animal hybrids or human/animal hybrids. I'm allowing this site to lean towards the Sci Fi genre a bit more. Do not do dragons, trolls, or animals that can, I don't know, turn invisible. Having camouflage is one thing. Plants may have "strange" properties but nothing like "when eaten it will cause levitation".
On the Fauna page, it will direct you to the Fauna Blog Post (or just go to the fauna blog post). Post in the comments about your creature. I will accept or deny it. This doesn't mean I hate you. This will be the same for Flora and Medical. More info on posting and such are on those respective blog posts.


Located under the Inhabitants page. This is so you can keep track of what your character may or may not have. See the Inventories page for more.

Record of Events

I thought this would be a handy page: record all major events that happen on the island such as making contact, fighting, procreation, discoveries, alliances, and memory recovery(more on this later).

Then I thought: make it FUN!

So the Record of Events is written as if we could move off the island and pop into the computer labs of the guys who threw your characters on the island in the first place.

If there is anything that makes you confused, let me know.


Markers is a fancy way of saying "roleplayer". 

Out of in-game, Marker is the codename for the computer AI designated to watch the subjects. 

(not an update) Journals

Just a shout-out: I love you guys!
I never thought the Journals would be a hit, but they are! I love seeing the differences in the writing and how people coordinate events and express their feelings! Fabulous!
Especially the ones where we get in the character's heads; inner thoughts, reflections, etc. These... these I love!

Keep up the amazing work guys!


  • more rp places (please suggest some on extras page)
  • graphics (this site is so naked...)
  • advertising (could use your guys' help)
  • an event (whoot!)
1/28/2013 03:02:41 am

Yaaaaay! I love this site! -virtually huggles Pariah-

2/8/2013 06:15:59 am

I made some pics for this site.


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